Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We may all be going this year.... I mean all the students that were doing news media this semester but you know what there is something that we'll be living behind, because every time something new comes around things change and I am glad to be one of the students who were in the news media this semester....we all had fun, I think but if if you say you didn't you're lying through those teeth of yours.........but anyway its time for all of us to get moving and say farewell to all the INST 102 class, I do not regret being in that class 'coz I learnt many things, I even got a chance to have my own blog which I will never let go off as it my souvenir of what I got when I was in the INTERNET STUDIES COUNTRY...
So I hope you will get other good students who will do even more better than us........GOODBYE TO YOU ALL.....BEKUMNANDI UKUHLANA NANI................

Friday, October 23, 2009


In approximately one week we will be all writting exams and am sure it's what every dedicated student has been waiting for and preparing for all of this year.this is a time where one is to reap what they were sowing all of this year, a time where to show which master you have been serving(master pass or master fail) all this is up to you as an individual and your friends will not be around, yor lecturer won't be around as well as your tutor to help you as they have been doing all this semester......UZIMELA NGENKQAYI will be on your own now.

(a)P- Prier
(b)P- Preparation
(c)P- Pevents

This is a golden key to success and your perfomance also goes hand in hand with you sellf-esteem because yopu cannot achieve great things if you do not trust in yourself.......amd we all know that charity starts at home and DO NOT PANIC! and know that stress kills.

These 5 p's of mine say it all, if you prepare before time you will not produce any poor results on your examination and its never too late guys to prepare. We should be like Ants and collect our food before the hard times come.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When i signed up for internet studies in the first semester i thought that we would learn how to use the internet like logging in on different websites, but i was hitting my mouth on the rock because..... hey guys i realised there was a lot to internet studies than I had anticipated. In the first semester I thought of dropping it beause people were saying tha it is hard and that no one ever passed this subject especially the one which was thought by Keith, but i told myself that I won't drop it just because most students have failed. I gave internet studies a chance to prove itself to me and to prove others wrong.

As I didn't drop it on the first semester I told my self that I would never do it ever again in my life but i had also registered for it even for the second time and I guess it was God's plan yaz because if I had dropped it I wouldn't have learnt all these things that I have attained from doing INTERNET STUDIES. I have learnt how to use the internet, the history of internet and how to work in groups with other people.

Internet studies is one helluva subject that one should not take for granted just because you only do the quiz and other things, because it reqiures a lot of time, dedication and commitment. By nature am not a person who loves doing school related long readings but yho! Miss internet studies biult up the love i have now for readings not only for internetstudies but also other related subjects too.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Use of Durban space based on Diversity and Democracy in the workshop market


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My project Workshop market


Monday, October 12, 2009

Censorship.. is..a.. two.. sided issue...!

Censorship is very supressive towards people and not only ordinary people but leaders. but one may look at the bad side of censorship and not consider its good we all know that censorship deprives people of their freedom of speech and limits the information that they intended to get. Burma is one of the countries where censorship was being practised, because the state of peace and development council uses filtering to regulate access to tje internet and it was found that 11% of online access was taken away from the Burmanese citizens and usage of email sites was 85% and the worst of all is that the pornography site's usage percentage was 65% which may be one of the reasons why there are regulations on the usage of the internet.

In South Africa censorship has been brought back because it was realised that most people especially children are not using the internet for a good benefit but for the fact that they want to watch and download pornography. This came back in S.A because of the law of the Films and Publications Amendments Act 3 of 2009 which is based on pre-publication of press material.

Biography of Aun San Suu Kyi

Aung San Suu Kyi was born on the 19th of June 1945 in Rangoon Burma which is now called Myanmar. She is the Nelson Mandela of Burma because she is one of the strongest leaders who fought for the freedom of that country and she was also inspired by Martin Luther Jr and Mahtma Ghandhi whose fighting for freedom of their countries was based on non-violence practises, and for that she became a role model and an international celebrity.She was held under house arrest in 1989 until 1995. while she was still under house arrrest she won the nobel peace prize in 1991.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Most people who live here in South africa do not realise how blessed they are for living here, because if one looks at what is happening in countries like Iraq,Etheopia and Zimbabwe.....there is a lot of things that are happening like never ending wars, povery,lack of freedom and all those things. byt if you rake a close look of SA we are living because we have rights that are recognised in the eyes of the law and even if the is poverty it's not as bad as in the North African countries. And this week looked at what was happening in Barma where people have no freedom of speech and the authorities are checking on everyone everytime which means those people are practically prisoners in their own country inlise us South Africans.

So if you wake up in South Africa every day and you are still alive and kicking you should be thankful and the fact that you stillm go to school not seeing a soldier in the streets holding an ak-47 ready to kill.

Friday, September 11, 2009


UBUNTU means that "A person is a person
through other people", and "a person who has ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others,does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for she/he has a proper self assurance that comes from knowing that he/she belongs to a greater whole and is diminished, whem others are totured or oppressed", this statemnent says it all on what ubuntu is but after the reading that we did a few weeks ago,entitled 'Otherwise dealt with" my heart sank because of the statement that was made by ex-president George Bush four years when he was addressing the congerss reffering to the prisoners of more than ten and a half thousand, where he said that not all those who were prisoners were in prison which is where they were supposed to be but they were "otherwise dealtwith" and that "they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies".

what he meant by not being a problem to the society is the fact that all the prisoners had disappeared and no one knew where they were the CIA. All those prisoners were taken to countries like Egypt and Jordan in secret to be tortured by the US government employees.This violent and shameful behaviour of torturing prisoners was seen as a way of obtaining information or as a way of interrogation of prisoners, and they did not see anything wrong with it.
This reading did really shake my heart because it shows that even though these prisoners were already being punished for their wrong doings by being put in jail or if one is arrested and put in jail for what they did and see is as a big punishment, they haven't see or experienced anything as a "toturous interrogation trial" still awaits them.

Those people had no right to treat the prisoners because even if they did something wrong, torture was not neccessary at all, and the fact that they diminished their dignityies as they would strip them naked, insert a tranquiliser into their rectum and put them on diaper as old as they were, mhhhhhh! that wasn't cool at all.

The CIA doesn't understand the meanig of ubuntu and doubt if they ever will after waht they did,they tore apart people's families with what they did and it just both unforgetable and unforgivable. how can one punish a person who's already punished?

There are many things that occur without us being aware and being done to the people whom we love and care about, but sometimes we do know that there is something illegal happening in our countries or societies but we just turn a blind eye on them.

Friday, September 4, 2009


South Africa is one of the countries which represents diversity within it, it is diverse in terms of culture, language and beliefs etc, which goes to the fact that we are all coming from different places with difffering backgrounds, and all know that living in South Africa is a challenge in terms of language because we have nine provinces that speak different languages so if you plan to move to another province you have to make sure that you lean their language so as to keep the communication levels up.but we no longer suffer these days because English is one of the languages that is understood by almost everyone so if you are not able to speak another language you use it.

There is a saying which says"things changeth yielding place to new lest one good cutom should corrupt the world", meaning that as time changes the ways in which things are being conducted
should also change. And things here in South Africa really changed after the introduction of Democracy,everyone had rights, but what i've noticed is that most people always make sure that their rihgts are being regonised but do not take the initiative to recognise that they also have responsibilities for their actions as we all know that there is a "reaction to every action".

Democracy changed almost everything here in S.A because a majority of black people got the chance to move to urban areas living the country side,reasoning that they are going for greener pastures as the rural life didn't give them a lot of oppotunities to explore the new things that freedom has brought them, like jobs. and as peole moved to the city they left their homes to start afresh in the big cities which was a good thing to do.if you move to a new place you learn new things and new ways of doing things so most people do learn all those new things but tend to forget where they are coming from.....

It is good to live in today's time because you can never reverse the time and live in the past if you do not like what is happening today so long you do not forget where you are coming but what I have encountered is that people do not change for the best they only change so as to not remember their backgrounds.History is a crucial tool in ones life as it is the determina of your future and and you can never have a future without history.

Nowadays when people are successful they forget the people who were there with them climbing the ladder to success which is not a good thing to do because one day you may need something from them and this thing is like an assignment or project you always need a refference page, but a Xhosa man once said"Ungawumosheli umqolomba".

You can change today but can never change the future, and your future is a reflection of your history which also means where you come from determines where you are still going stick to your roots mtanasekhaya.

Monday, August 31, 2009


The story that me and my group are presenting is the story of "FOOD",the diverse flavours that our country showcases in the Durban city and what kinds of food that will be there to be consumed by all the international visitors coming for the 2010 World cup.Durban is one of the marvelous places in South Africa that one can showcase about the diversity in terms of food in the urban areas but not forgeting the rural areas where all the foundation of all traditional food lies or comes from, so showcasing about the Durban city means the openinng of not only the gates to satisfaction but for other people to explore the diversity within the urban cultural spaces, about how the people in the urban areas extend their cultures and still practise them even though they are no longer living in the rural areas.

Our story will take you to all the hidden treasures of the food industry which will leave you yearning for more, and showing that diversity cannot only be found amongst cultures and languages but also in the food we consume, and food is diverse bacause we do not come from the same places and the food that we eat will definitly not be the same, ie if one comes from Nigeria they will not be eating the same food the people living here in S.A are eating. So our story is there to accomodate all the visitors from abroad with their ussual food but to also attract their appetites to all the food that South Africa represents as we all know that it is one of the countries in the world that is diverse in almost everything.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dignity is about respecting one's origins or where other people are coming from, it is about being proud of who you are, where you come from and where you see yourself going. dignity is not about looking down on other people but building each other all the can protect the others dignity by respecting them and knowing that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that we as people do not see things from one perspective. From the last week's reading Tsakane and Possel showed dignity towards Phina's illness and how she felt about disclosing her status to her family and community, they did not judge her but helped her through hard times.

Sometime last year a young woman's right to dignity was violated when one day she was wearing her ussual short skirt as it was even hot that day and was heading to the taxi rank that she she ussually used in the Gauteng Province to catch a taxi to town, and she saw the drivers that were there all the time but that day something unexpected happened, the taxi drivers attacked her claiming that she was naked and that she asked for it as she was wearing that kind of clothing. the drivers did not only violate her right to dignity but they ruined her reputation in the community, and did not only attack her physically but emotionally with what they did to her.