Monday, October 12, 2009

Censorship.. is..a.. two.. sided issue...!

Censorship is very supressive towards people and not only ordinary people but leaders. but one may look at the bad side of censorship and not consider its good we all know that censorship deprives people of their freedom of speech and limits the information that they intended to get. Burma is one of the countries where censorship was being practised, because the state of peace and development council uses filtering to regulate access to tje internet and it was found that 11% of online access was taken away from the Burmanese citizens and usage of email sites was 85% and the worst of all is that the pornography site's usage percentage was 65% which may be one of the reasons why there are regulations on the usage of the internet.

In South Africa censorship has been brought back because it was realised that most people especially children are not using the internet for a good benefit but for the fact that they want to watch and download pornography. This came back in S.A because of the law of the Films and Publications Amendments Act 3 of 2009 which is based on pre-publication of press material.

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