Friday, September 11, 2009


UBUNTU means that "A person is a person
through other people", and "a person who has ubuntu is open and available to others, affirming of others,does not feel threatened that others are able and good, for she/he has a proper self assurance that comes from knowing that he/she belongs to a greater whole and is diminished, whem others are totured or oppressed", this statemnent says it all on what ubuntu is but after the reading that we did a few weeks ago,entitled 'Otherwise dealt with" my heart sank because of the statement that was made by ex-president George Bush four years when he was addressing the congerss reffering to the prisoners of more than ten and a half thousand, where he said that not all those who were prisoners were in prison which is where they were supposed to be but they were "otherwise dealtwith" and that "they are no longer a problem to the United States and our friends and allies".

what he meant by not being a problem to the society is the fact that all the prisoners had disappeared and no one knew where they were the CIA. All those prisoners were taken to countries like Egypt and Jordan in secret to be tortured by the US government employees.This violent and shameful behaviour of torturing prisoners was seen as a way of obtaining information or as a way of interrogation of prisoners, and they did not see anything wrong with it.
This reading did really shake my heart because it shows that even though these prisoners were already being punished for their wrong doings by being put in jail or if one is arrested and put in jail for what they did and see is as a big punishment, they haven't see or experienced anything as a "toturous interrogation trial" still awaits them.

Those people had no right to treat the prisoners because even if they did something wrong, torture was not neccessary at all, and the fact that they diminished their dignityies as they would strip them naked, insert a tranquiliser into their rectum and put them on diaper as old as they were, mhhhhhh! that wasn't cool at all.

The CIA doesn't understand the meanig of ubuntu and doubt if they ever will after waht they did,they tore apart people's families with what they did and it just both unforgetable and unforgivable. how can one punish a person who's already punished?

There are many things that occur without us being aware and being done to the people whom we love and care about, but sometimes we do know that there is something illegal happening in our countries or societies but we just turn a blind eye on them.