Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Most people who live here in South africa do not realise how blessed they are for living here, because if one looks at what is happening in countries like Iraq,Etheopia and Zimbabwe.....there is a lot of things that are happening like never ending wars, povery,lack of freedom and all those things. byt if you rake a close look of SA we are living because we have rights that are recognised in the eyes of the law and even if the is poverty it's not as bad as in the North African countries. And this week looked at what was happening in Barma where people have no freedom of speech and the authorities are checking on everyone everytime which means those people are practically prisoners in their own country inlise us South Africans.

So if you wake up in South Africa every day and you are still alive and kicking you should be thankful and the fact that you stillm go to school not seeing a soldier in the streets holding an ak-47 ready to kill.