Friday, September 4, 2009


South Africa is one of the countries which represents diversity within it, it is diverse in terms of culture, language and beliefs etc, which goes to the fact that we are all coming from different places with difffering backgrounds, and all know that living in South Africa is a challenge in terms of language because we have nine provinces that speak different languages so if you plan to move to another province you have to make sure that you lean their language so as to keep the communication levels up.but we no longer suffer these days because English is one of the languages that is understood by almost everyone so if you are not able to speak another language you use it.

There is a saying which says"things changeth yielding place to new lest one good cutom should corrupt the world", meaning that as time changes the ways in which things are being conducted
should also change. And things here in South Africa really changed after the introduction of Democracy,everyone had rights, but what i've noticed is that most people always make sure that their rihgts are being regonised but do not take the initiative to recognise that they also have responsibilities for their actions as we all know that there is a "reaction to every action".

Democracy changed almost everything here in S.A because a majority of black people got the chance to move to urban areas living the country side,reasoning that they are going for greener pastures as the rural life didn't give them a lot of oppotunities to explore the new things that freedom has brought them, like jobs. and as peole moved to the city they left their homes to start afresh in the big cities which was a good thing to do.if you move to a new place you learn new things and new ways of doing things so most people do learn all those new things but tend to forget where they are coming from.....

It is good to live in today's time because you can never reverse the time and live in the past if you do not like what is happening today so long you do not forget where you are coming but what I have encountered is that people do not change for the best they only change so as to not remember their backgrounds.History is a crucial tool in ones life as it is the determina of your future and and you can never have a future without history.

Nowadays when people are successful they forget the people who were there with them climbing the ladder to success which is not a good thing to do because one day you may need something from them and this thing is like an assignment or project you always need a refference page, but a Xhosa man once said"Ungawumosheli umqolomba".

You can change today but can never change the future, and your future is a reflection of your history which also means where you come from determines where you are still going stick to your roots mtanasekhaya.

Monday, August 31, 2009


The story that me and my group are presenting is the story of "FOOD",the diverse flavours that our country showcases in the Durban city and what kinds of food that will be there to be consumed by all the international visitors coming for the 2010 World cup.Durban is one of the marvelous places in South Africa that one can showcase about the diversity in terms of food in the urban areas but not forgeting the rural areas where all the foundation of all traditional food lies or comes from, so showcasing about the Durban city means the openinng of not only the gates to satisfaction but for other people to explore the diversity within the urban cultural spaces, about how the people in the urban areas extend their cultures and still practise them even though they are no longer living in the rural areas.

Our story will take you to all the hidden treasures of the food industry which will leave you yearning for more, and showing that diversity cannot only be found amongst cultures and languages but also in the food we consume, and food is diverse bacause we do not come from the same places and the food that we eat will definitly not be the same, ie if one comes from Nigeria they will not be eating the same food the people living here in S.A are eating. So our story is there to accomodate all the visitors from abroad with their ussual food but to also attract their appetites to all the food that South Africa represents as we all know that it is one of the countries in the world that is diverse in almost everything.