Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Dignity is about respecting one's origins or where other people are coming from, it is about being proud of who you are, where you come from and where you see yourself going. dignity is not about looking down on other people but building each other all the time.one can protect the others dignity by respecting them and knowing that everyone is entitled to their own opinion and that we as people do not see things from one perspective. From the last week's reading Tsakane and Possel showed dignity towards Phina's illness and how she felt about disclosing her status to her family and community, they did not judge her but helped her through hard times.

Sometime last year a young woman's right to dignity was violated when one day she was wearing her ussual short skirt as it was even hot that day and was heading to the taxi rank that she she ussually used in the Gauteng Province to catch a taxi to town, and she saw the drivers that were there all the time but that day something unexpected happened, the taxi drivers attacked her claiming that she was naked and that she asked for it as she was wearing that kind of clothing. the drivers did not only violate her right to dignity but they ruined her reputation in the community, and did not only attack her physically but emotionally with what they did to her.