Friday, October 23, 2009


In approximately one week we will be all writting exams and am sure it's what every dedicated student has been waiting for and preparing for all of this year.this is a time where one is to reap what they were sowing all of this year, a time where to show which master you have been serving(master pass or master fail) all this is up to you as an individual and your friends will not be around, yor lecturer won't be around as well as your tutor to help you as they have been doing all this semester......UZIMELA NGENKQAYI will be on your own now.

(a)P- Prier
(b)P- Preparation
(c)P- Pevents

This is a golden key to success and your perfomance also goes hand in hand with you sellf-esteem because yopu cannot achieve great things if you do not trust in yourself.......amd we all know that charity starts at home and DO NOT PANIC! and know that stress kills.

These 5 p's of mine say it all, if you prepare before time you will not produce any poor results on your examination and its never too late guys to prepare. We should be like Ants and collect our food before the hard times come.

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