Wednesday, October 21, 2009


When i signed up for internet studies in the first semester i thought that we would learn how to use the internet like logging in on different websites, but i was hitting my mouth on the rock because..... hey guys i realised there was a lot to internet studies than I had anticipated. In the first semester I thought of dropping it beause people were saying tha it is hard and that no one ever passed this subject especially the one which was thought by Keith, but i told myself that I won't drop it just because most students have failed. I gave internet studies a chance to prove itself to me and to prove others wrong.

As I didn't drop it on the first semester I told my self that I would never do it ever again in my life but i had also registered for it even for the second time and I guess it was God's plan yaz because if I had dropped it I wouldn't have learnt all these things that I have attained from doing INTERNET STUDIES. I have learnt how to use the internet, the history of internet and how to work in groups with other people.

Internet studies is one helluva subject that one should not take for granted just because you only do the quiz and other things, because it reqiures a lot of time, dedication and commitment. By nature am not a person who loves doing school related long readings but yho! Miss internet studies biult up the love i have now for readings not only for internetstudies but also other related subjects too.

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